Auburn Middle School
Warrenton, VA
115,000 SF; two stories
660; expandable to 810
A welcoming building designed with a residential scale, the award-winning Auburn Middle School accommodates 660 students in the sixth through eighth grades, and can be expanded for an enrollment of up to 810 students. A main street links academic instructional houses at one end and activity spaces at the other, with visual links along the street that encourage participation in special programs such as art, technology, and music. The community can easily access activity areas such as the gymnasium and cafeteria while academic areas remain secure. The hub of the academic node is a two-story, glass-enclosed instructional media center. Academic classrooms are set within three, two-story houses that support team teaching and block scheduling.
2005 - CEFPI Southeast Region, Virginia School Boards Association, Architectural Award - New Construction Middle School
2004-2005 - Virginia School Boards Association, Outstanding New School building design for 6-12