Arlington Elementary School
Baltimore, MD
103,480 SF
To transform Arlington Elementary into a 21st century learning environment, the interior of the original building was completely gutted and reconfigured, maintaining the historic character of the original building with space added to the south. New additions to the building were added to the South side of the building to maintain the historic character of the exterior.
A new 4-story stair and elevator tower is located on axis with the main entrance creating a central circulation spine connecting all four levels. Adjacent to the stair is an addition to expand the dining room. A terrace stepping down on the exterior to the level of the addition allows natural light into the dining room and creates an outdoor eating area.
A one story-addition is added to the Early Child Development Center to fit in with the fabric of the smaller scale housing across the street. This addition has a separate entrance and is funded and operated by the Weinstein Foundation.
The overall problem was renovating and providing additions in order to transform the existing building into a 21st century learning environment. The historic building, built in the 1920s was built as an industrial model. The cafeteria was on the lower level, half way below grade. The team excavated the earth and back side creating an outdoor eating area and amphitheater for an outdoor learning area.
Designed in association with Design Collective, Inc.
2020 LEED Gold Certified