North Bethesda Middle School
Bethesda, MD
49,500 SF
This project consists of a two-story, over 49,500 SF addition that connects to the north of the existing building at the east and west wings, creating a continuous circulation loop and a new courtyard to maintain natural daylight into the existing classrooms and the new main corridors. Natural light at gathering areas along circulation provides a more spacious and welcoming environment. The new gymnasium and additional lockers will provide the necessary capacity for the projected enrollment in coming years.
The addition consists of 14 classrooms, a new gymnasium and gym storage, a double sized health classroom, special and alternative education resource rooms, three science labs and a prep room, occupational, and speech and language therapy rooms, along with other administrative and instructional support spaces. On the east side of the school the existing cafeteria was renovated and has a 2,400 SF expansion providing the school with a more updated and welcome facade. The renovated cafeteria accommodates over 90 students. Site drive aisles and parking lots were reconfigured to improve circulation, safety, and increase bus loading capacity. The completed addition increases capacity to 1,264, in anticipation of rising enrollment.