U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security
Washington, DC
167,000 SF
Samaha was proud to play a major role in the stand up of The Department of Homeland Security at the Nebraska Avenue Complex. The site originally occupied by the Naval Security Station required significant renovations of multiple buildings at the new headquarters. Our team provided design services to renovate approximately 167,000 SF of space to locate the Borders and Transportation Security Headquarters and the Office of Information Analysis. The specific elements included Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) construction, Anti-Terrorism Force Protection, underground LAN rooms, extensive equipment and security requirements, conference centers, state-of-the-art data and communication systems, level III ballistics grade bullet proof security stations, upgraded mechanical and lighting systems, switchgear replacement, selective demolition, life safety code compliance, raised ceiling heights, elevator replacement, stair additions, hazardous material abatement, and upgraded building components.